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Why Continental value the Webranking Plus Report

As a big and international company with many different target groups, it can be challenging to create content that meets the stakeholders' needs as well as ensure that the website is always up to date. Daniel Oestreich, Online relations manager explains how the Webranking plus report helps Continental achieve this.
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About Continental

  • Continental AG, founded in 1871 and headquartered in Hanover, Germany, is a leading global manufacturer of automotive parts and technologies. Continental develops pioneering technologies and services for sustainable and connected mobility of people and their goods. 

Enriching, prioritising and presenting content

Continental use the Webranking report as a tool to highlight issues that they might miss themselves, as well as a way of understanding the expectations of their target groups. The report has also helped Continental with enriching, prioritising and presenting their content better, which is something that many companies struggle with. It can sometimes feel overwhelming to create good content that meets the expectations, that is why the Webranking report can be a good tool to help you prioritise which content should be created. This is what Daniel Oestreich highlights as the main ways they use the Webranking report and how it has helped them improve their content.

How do you use the Webranking report?

We're using the Webranking report to compare where our website is ranking in comparison to our peers but more importantly to find blind spots in our content, user journey and functionalities.

How has the Webranking Report helped you improve your website content?

We think that we're doing quite ok in terms of functionalities and UX already, however, sometimes content is buried within the deeper navigation but is highly relevant to our audience. The report has helped us a lot in enriching, prioritising and presenting our content better.

The evaluated points are based on interviews with our target groups, which helps us to better understand their demands. The report is very detailed and well structured so our editors can easily see which criteria they meet and which need improvement.

Daniel Oestreich, Online Relations Manager, Continental
Daniel Oestreich

Discovers blind spots and sheds light on stakeholder needs

What is unique about the Webranking report is that is based on research about the needs of different stakeholder groups, every year we send out three surveys, which are the foundation of the Webranking Report.

The surveys are sent to communication professionals working with corporate communication, to the Capital Market (analysts, investors and business journalists) and to jobseekers, with the purpose of getting to know which information they expect to find on corporate websites. As Daniel mentions, website managers often only have access to the analytics about their websites' performance, but they don't know what the stakeholders expect and it thus gets hard to improve.

Why is an external ranking of your corporate website important to your company? 

Analytics helps us to operate the website but is not enough to anticipate our stakeholders' needs. An external evaluation helps to get a feeling of where we're standing and to discover our blind spots.

What is the main reason why you would recommend the Webranking Report?

In my experience website managers too often only rely on analytics and very limited knowledge about stakeholders and their needs. The Webranking Report sheds more light on this matter and offers concrete steps to improve a website.

The Plus Report allows us to discuss with Comprend

In addition to the standard Webranking report, Continental also have chosen to buy the Webranking Plus Report, where additional UX, design and content reviews are made by our experts. The qualitative analysis provides companies with additional feedback and useful tips on how to improve their website content, both in the short and long-term.

Why do you choose the Webranking Plus Report?

The normal report already covers our industry and all relevant peers in Europe and the methodology helps us to understand our stakeholder's expectations. The Plus Report also allows us to debrief with Comprend and ask specific questions on how we can improve.

What extra value does the qualitative analysis give you?

Analytics and our own surveys provide us with the numbers: how many users are coming to our website, how do they navigate and their overall satisfaction. However, it does not cover what it is exactly they're looking for or what their expectations are now or in the future.

Tailoring your content to meet stakeholder requirements

When it comes to maintaining a successful website, understanding your stakeholders' requirements is critical. By using the Webranking Report, you can ensure that your website meets their needs and provides a positive user experience. You can gain valuable insights into your stakeholders' expectations and requirements, allowing you to tailor your content and website accordingly.

Additionally, the Webranking Report provides a structured approach to working on content improvements, helping you to focus your efforts and achieve your goals more effectively.

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We’re more than happy to talk you through Webranking over a call, or perhaps a cup of coffee.

Humla TördHead of Webranking
+46 70 971 12 75
James HandslipManaging director, UK
Kimmo KanervaExecutive director