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Best of Cannes (Stockholm)

One of the strongest trends at this year's Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is to skip the boring - the blahblahblah - and focus on the fun.

More on that in this year's "Best of Cannes".

Sign up here: Best of Cannes

Where: Stockholm, Sveavägen 20 

When: 2 October 16:00 - 19:00

(The event will be held in Swedish)

Ulla-Karin Barrett, Brand and communication strategist at Comprend

Ulla-Karin Barrett is a senior and award-winning brand strategist with great experience working in the marketing and advert­ising industry.

She presents her popular summary of trends from the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity and Innovation for the 13th year.


For more information

We would love to see you there. Contact us for more information on how.

Gabriella BjörnbergDepartment lead, Business
+46 76 109 05 86