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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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6 September 2024

Leveraging AI to build your brand

By Marco Taurino, designer

“Artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool, not a replacement for human intelligence”. We’ve all heard it and, most likely, even said it ourselves. But what does it actually mean? Of course, this will depend on what we want to use AI for. In this article, we’ll look at how AI should – and shouldn’t – be leveraged to build your brand identity.

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26 June 2024

Creating a web design system that works: balancing flexibility with consistency

By Matilda Ekström, Digital Communications Consultant, and Sidney Mortimer, Senior Digital Designer

A web design system is crucial to any brand with a digital presence. Done right, it ensures a consistent experience across your website by uniting designers and developers around a common visual language. A design system that’s too rigid, however, can create as many problems as it solves. So, how can we ensure we strike the right balance between flexibility and consistency?

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30 September 2023

How effective marketing can make your business noticed, liked and remembered

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, getting your brand noticed, liked, and remembered is more crucial than ever. Effective marketing strategies play a pivotal role in achieving these goals, ultimately driving success and growth for your business.

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31 July 2023

Beyond efficiency: The power of measuring effectiveness

In the ever-evolving landscape of B2B communication, one thing remains constant: the need for effective strategies that yield tangible results. While measuring efficiency has long been a staple of assessing performance, it’s high time we shift our focus towards measuring effectiveness.

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30 November 2022

Build a stronger brand relationship by breaking down your walls

By Ann-Christin Lindstedt

So we’re up to our fourth date in this article series about brand experience strategy. Isn’t it about time to break down your walls and get personal in this relationship? If you’re here for a first date, though, you may want to go back and start with the proper introductions when we defined what we wanted out of the brand experience.

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30 November 2022

Mind the gaps for the highest return on brand equity

If you’ve been following along in this article series, we’re now on our third date. This is getting serious. Or maybe for some it’s our first date. Either way, if you need a quick reminder of our dating profile, skim through the previous articles about defining brand experience and making sure yours is relevant.

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7 November 2022

Brand metrics to ignore at your own risk

Branding metrics are a staple in measuring marketing success. But many marketers now avoid “vanity” metrics in favor of “more meaningful” marketing KPIs – those with a direct impact on sales or ROI. But are vanity metrics really meaningless? We explore their true value – and what you risk losing by leaving them behind.

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31 October 2022

How relevant is your brand experience, really?

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