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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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26 June 2024

Creating a web design system that works: balancing flexibility with consistency

By Matilda Ekström, Digital Communications Consultant, and Sidney Mortimer, Senior Digital Designer

A web design system is crucial to any brand with a digital presence. Done right, it ensures a consistent experience across your website by uniting designers and developers around a common visual language. A design system that’s too rigid, however, can create as many problems as it solves. So, how can we ensure we strike the right balance between flexibility and consistency?

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10 January 2023

Five tips for UX Design optimization you can steal from us

By Gabriella Fritzson, Senior Art Director, and Max Ringi, UX Designer

Have you ever given up on a product or service because it didn't live up to your expectations? Or maybe you offer a product or service that doesn't keep customers coming back for more? Poor user experience (UX) design could be the root cause.

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16 August 2022

A better idiot

Have you ever been in a dispute with a partner where you believe you have all the reasonable arguments in the world? Where you feel that you are the one holding the truth? Where you believe that you are right and they are wrong, but whatever you say they won’t budge? Chances are that you have

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15 December 2020

Making the web a better place through inclusive design

By André Dahl UI designer

The web should provide unprecedented access to information and interactions for everyone, but today this is often not the reality. Most websites have accessibility barriers that make it difficult or near impossible to use and navigate for users with disabilities.

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6 December 2019

Visual People

These days, it’s usually a visual element (film, photo, illustration) that gets people to slow their scroll and react in the middle of the constant barrage of information and impressions our brains have to process. Why? Because visuals can awaken a lot of emotion – fast. Joy, sorrow, curiosity, anger, desire, jealousy – just to name a few. And it’s exactly that ability to quickly affect our emotions, and in turn behavior, that makes visual expression so powerful.

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2 December 2018

Digital emotions

Have you made a rational decision lately? Chances are you never have. At least, that’s according to a study in the Harvard Business Review, which found that emotion and cognition are tightly intertwined and that areas of the brain associated with rational thought and decision making both have direct connections to areas associated with feelings and do not exist in separate psychological compartments. That’s a mouthful, but basically what they’re saying is that there are no rational or irrational decisions. All decisions are based on feelings.

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21 April 2017

Increase conversion with data-driven design

By  Lorraine Sauvy

The majority of designers have to start their design work before receiving copy or customer data. And yet the design is, along with the copy, expected to solve the clients’ problems. Working with a data-driven design process is a helpful way of working when making design decision.