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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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12 June 2024

Experimenting for success: smart strategies for optimising your marketing

By Ante Demirian, Head of Martech, Data & Analytics

This or that? It's a question we face every day as marketers. Making choices can be tough, not least when it comes to deciding which campaign to run or which website layout to choose. This is where experiments come in – a data-driven method where you simply test different versions or elements of a webpage or app to understand what works best. In this article, we’re listing 10 dos and don'ts to help you get started.

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8 March 2023

AI for SEO in 2023: are the machines finally taking over?

By Fanny Pettersson, SEO Consultant

Times are tough, and some are turning to AI tools to cut costs for their content creation and SEO. But will it pay off? What are the opportunities of AI for SEO – and what limitations and risks do you need to watch out for? Hear our expert insights and opinions, and how best to approach AI in 2023.

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23 May 2022

Beyond the last click: Vepsäläinen & data-driven marketing strategies

Life is full of decisions. From what to eat for breakfast to how to derive the most value from your digital marketing campaign. At Comprend we can’t help you with the breakfast decision, but we can certainly serve you up a big bowl of ’everything you need to know about data-driven digital marketing’. For us, digital marketing isn’t a single path from concept to delivery. It’s a process where ideas are based on clear insights, then tested and adjusted to get to the crux of the challenge. In this blog post we take you on a deep dive into how data, insights and expert advice is transforming the digital marketing strategy of Vepsäläinen, one of Finland’s leading quality furniture brands.

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17 February 2022

Third-party cookies & why they are dying

First of: what is a cookie and where is it? In their most basic form, cookies are text-strings that websites save on your device as you browse the web. They serve as a memory tool and are able to recognize your online behavior and remember your actions. While this may sound negative, cookies are actually what makes the World Wide Web work the way it does. Whether you are online shopping, logging in to an account, or browsing the internet, cookies are responsible for your overall online experience.