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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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1 July 2024

Accelerating SEO with automation

By Johan Rappling, Senior SEO Consultant, and Kristoffer Mauritzon, Copywriter

The world of SEO is an ever-changing landscape. As customers’ search behaviour becomes more complex and diversified, staying on top of page rankings and optimisation can be overwhelming, even for an experienced SEO professional. To address this challenge, our SEO team has developed a workflow that leverages the automation of critical tasks to provide a smoother and quicker path to SEO success.

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17 April 2024

Eight tips for writing effective social media ad copy

By Matilda Ekström

Social media platforms are a crucial part of most brands’ marketing strategy. With 4.95 billion users globally and a more than 60% penetration rate1, platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Linkedin offer unique opportunities to build your brand and generate leads. However, for a social media ad campaign to be successful, you need to be strategic – not least when writing the copy for it. In this article, we have listed our top copywriting tips for social media ads.

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11 March 2024

Meta’s ad-free gamble and the potential effects on advert­ising and privacy

By Kevin Mullaney

A practical analysis of Meta’s ad-free subscription model and its potential impact on advert­ising, privacy, and consumer behaviour.

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8 March 2023

AI for SEO in 2023: are the machines finally taking over?

By Fanny Pettersson, SEO Consultant

Times are tough, and some are turning to AI tools to cut costs for their content creation and SEO. But will it pay off? What are the opportunities of AI for SEO – and what limitations and risks do you need to watch out for? Hear our expert insights and opinions, and how best to approach AI in 2023.

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14 December 2022

SEO: content optimisation in 5 steps

Are you planning a new website, or wondering how to rank better in Google and drive more organic traffic to your existing site? Step inside the world of search engine optimisation (SEO) and content creation with our five-step guide to creating SEO-optimised content like a pro. Get started today!

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7 November 2022

Brand metrics to ignore at your own risk

Branding metrics are a staple in measuring marketing success. But many marketers now avoid “vanity” metrics in favor of “more meaningful” marketing KPIs – those with a direct impact on sales or ROI. But are vanity metrics really meaningless? We explore their true value – and what you risk losing by leaving them behind.

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26 October 2022

Five SEO copywriting tips

By Matilda Ekström

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can be an overwhelming topic for web editors and content creators. With an ever-changing algorithm and a huge range of technical and content factors that can impact a website's performance on search engines, it's easy to lose track of the objective of SEO.

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21 September 2022

Marketing Technology: Tech tool, or an untapped business opportunity?

By Jukka Sundquist, Managing Director of Nordic Morning, Finland.

For those of us in marketing, it's clear that nowadays, using different kinds of marketing technology is the name of the game. For us who have been around for some time, the growth of marketing technology companies (today known as MarTech) comes as no surprise.

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