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Thoughts, ideas and insights from experts in all things marketing, communication and technology. 

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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The importance of all-party data: understanding types of data and why owning yours matters

By Ante Demirian, Head of Martech, Data & Analytics

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, data is king, queen, and probably the entire court. As marketers, we're constantly seeking the most effective ways to connect with our audience, and data is the key to making that happen. However, not all data is created equal. You might be familiar with 1st-party and 3rd-party data—they’ve been around for a while. But what about 0-party and 2nd-party data? These might not be as well known, yet they’re just as crucial. Let’s have a look at what different types of data there is and why they’re all important.

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Creating a web design system that works: balancing flexibility with consistency

By Matilda Ekström, Digital Communications Consultant, and Sidney Mortimer, Senior Digital Designer

A web design system is crucial to any brand with a digital presence. Done right, it ensures a consistent experience across your website by uniting designers and developers around a common visual language. A design system that’s too rigid, however, can create as many problems as it solves. So, how can we ensure we strike the right balance between flexibility and consistency?

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Is your corporate website sustainable?

By Helena Wennergren

The corporate website is necessary for communicating with corporate audiences and being compliant. Sustainability is a topic that is ever-increasing in importance. Despite having tons of information on their website, companies often forget the significant environmental impact of the website itself.

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Don't forget the editors when building your website

By Charlotte Naversten

When building a website, the main focus is usually on what the visitor will see and experience when they come to the website. That will, of course, always be the most important thing, but there are also strong reasons to make a great effort in providing a good user experience for the editor.

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What do investors, analysts and journalists look for on corporate websites?

By Freja Nilsson

Managing a corporate website is a difficult balancing act to meet the needs of a wide range of stakeholders. To help companies understand the ever-growing expectations, we conduct a Capital Market survey each year to ask analysts, investors and business journalists what their website requirements are."Usually, the information regarding ESG at a company website is very general and doesn't really give out any detailed information to help me as a journalist and researcher understand HOW the company is working with and implementing the ESG-policies. More details and a more comprehensible presentation of the HOW of ESG within the company would be highly appreciated."

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Evaluating user behaviour on your corporate site

By Carl Grönwall

We all know that the user experience is essential for all digital channels and corporate channels are no exception to this. We work together with our clients to continuously improve the user experience on their websites and intranets.

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Third-party cookies & why they are dying

First of: what is a cookie and where is it? In their most basic form, cookies are text-strings that websites save on your device as you browse the web. They serve as a memory tool and are able to recognize your online behavior and remember your actions. While this may sound negative, cookies are actually what makes the World Wide Web work the way it does. Whether you are online shopping, logging in to an account, or browsing the internet, cookies are responsible for your overall online experience.

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Content structures that grow wild

By Helena Wennergren

We all expect it to be easy to find what we're looking for on a website. This also goes for visitors on corporate websites. 95% of the respondents in our Capital Market survey 2021 expected it to be easy to navigate on a corporate website.

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