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News and updates from Comprend.

Close-up of an intricate translucent white glass sculpture with wavy, ribbed edges and smooth gradients, resembling a delicate flower petal or leaf.
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Webranking news

German companies excel in employer branding, but need to improve sustainability information

The latest Webranking of Germany's 64 largest companies presents a detailed analysis of their online performance. The companies display strengths in areas like career information and leadership presentation. However, the need for improvement in sustainability communication is still evident.

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Webranking news

UK companies struggle to meet increasing demands for transparency

The UK’s top companies are failing to meet increased stakeholder demands for online transparency by failing to include sought-after and essential information on their websites.

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Press release

Comprend launches integrated offering for tech-enabled marketing and communication

Multi-award-winning agencies, Nordic Morning, Comprend, Petra, Pyramid and Graal, are uniting as one agency, under the Comprend brand. The new agency will establish a new industry category, offering unrivalled expertise in tech-enabled marketing and communication, creating long-term trust and sustainable growth for their clients.

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Webranking news

European companies struggle to meet increasing demand for transparency on their corporate websites

Top European companies are failing to meet increased stakeholder demands for online transparency. Now in its 27th year, our Webranking survey of Europe's largest 500 companies (based on market cap) reveals a significant need for better online transparency and communication for key stakeholders, which include investors, analysts and job-seekers.

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Webranking news

Swedish corporate websites are above average, but investor and career information lag behind

In the twenty-seventh season of Webranking by Comprend, the Swedish companies show openness and transparency in areas such as corporate governance and company presentation on their websites. Still, there is room for improvement in other areas. Investor communication and career information are still challenges, and providing information on diversity and well-being among employees needs further attention.

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Webranking news

Svenska företagswebbplatser bättre än snittet men investerar- och karriärinformation släpar efter

I den tjugosjunde säsongen av Webranking by Comprend visar de svenska företagen öppenhet och transparens inom områden som bolagsstyrning och presentation av företaget och dess verksamhet på sina webbplatser. Det finns dock fortfarande utrymme för förbättring inom andra områden. Investerarkommunikation och karriärinformation utgör fortfarande utmaningar, och informationsdelningen kring mångfald och välbefinnande bland anställda behöver ytterligare uppmärksamhet.