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How we select companies

Anyone can buy a Webranking report, but only Europe’s largest companies will be included in the official ranking results we publish each year.

The companies included in the ranking are selected based on market capitalisation as seen on the STOXX All Europe 800 list, from which we pick around the 700 largest companies to rank. We usually use the list published in March or April. STOXX is also where we see which Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB super sector) the company belongs to.

In some countries additional companies are added (e.g. Sweden and Finland), according to the same principle. 

If a company is listed on several stock markets it can be included on multiple country lists. We publish rankings for Europe overall as well as for the different countries included. 

See previous ranking results 

Webranking on-demand ranking 

If your company is not included on our original ranking lists, we can still rank your website if your order the Webranking report. This also applies if your company is not listed on the stock market. Contact us and we will tell you more about the available options. 

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Contact us

We’re more than happy to talk you through Webranking over a call, or perhaps a cup of coffee

Humla TördHead of Webranking
+46 70 971 12 75
Freja NilssonProject manager, Webranking
+46 76 109 05 92