Webranking results
Discover results and insights from past and upcoming Webranking editions.
Explore all Webranking results
Explore how well the websites of Europe’s largest companies have met the expectations of corporate audiences throughout the years.
Upcoming edition: Webranking 2025-2026
Learn about our selection process for companies included in this year’s ranking. The results will be published country by country throughout the fall.
Webranking 2024-2025 results
Explore the results and insights from the Webranking 2024-2025 edition.
Austria 2024-2025
Belgium 2024-2025
Denmark 2024-2025
Europe 500 2024-2025
Finland 2024-2025
France 2024-2025
Germany 2024-2025
Italy 2024-2025
Netherlands 2024-2025
Norway 2024-2025
Spain 2024-2025
Sweden 2024-2025
Switzerland 2024-2025
UK 2024-2025
Webranking news and insights
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